How to Enter

How to make your online entry 

  • All entries are submitted online. We encourage you to log into the entry system via the 'Login/Basket' tab. Login early to familiarise yourself before working on your submission. Please refer to each category for the specific information required for each entry.
  • All information needs to be submitted via the submission portal into the text boxes provided.
  • The only documents that you may upload are any supporting materials.
  • You may wish to have all of the information ready to input into each of the text fields before submitting your entry. You can copy text over from a Word document, but please ensure the document has no formatting, bullet points or pictures. Please see category criteria for detailed information regarding the wordcounts for each section.
  • Note you can pay early and then have until the standard deadline to submit your entry details.
  • All entries must provide a title and 100-word executive summary that gives a short overview of the project/individual. Please note that the executive summary will be published on the awards website once the shortlist is announced, so we kindly request you do not provide confidential facts or figures within this summary. Please make your title concise and meaningful. This will be announced on the awards night.
  • Why not get some inspiration from last year's winners?

    Please download the entry kit of how to enter if you wish to share it with colleagues.

Key Dates

Don't forget to add the key dates to your calendar.

Early Bird entry deadline
Standard entry deadline
Awards night

Some helpful tips before you submit your entry:

Before you submit your entry, we encourage you to read the category criteria carefully. All entries must be submitted online.

  • Pick the right project. Check the category description and pick a project where you can show a positive outcome and impressive results.
  • Judges are looking for mature projects where there is clear evidence of results delivered. Show detail. Consider the time period for the project/initiative. 
  • Looking at past winner case studies will help you choose the right category and provide tips for your submission. There’s lots more information in our Winners Book.
  • Get great testimonials! 
  • Leave yourself enough time. Please refer to the key dates section for entry deadlines.

A few notes

If you are a consultancy, technology or procurement service provider, you can ONLY enter the following categories, and clients must be named within your submission:

  • Procurement Consultancy Project of the Year 
  • Best Use of Digital Technology

Procurement teams from consultancies, technology or procurement service providers can enter any category but it must not relate to delivering client services.

Entries are open to both CIPS members and non-members.

Entries are open to all projects, teams and individuals from around the world.

Sponsors can only enter awards that they are not sponsoring. If they are a consultant or service provider then they can only enter Consultancy or Technology categories. They can encourage their clients to enter any of the other categories and be named as part of the project description/write up etc, but the client will be awarded not the consultancy/service provider.

Entries must be for work conducted between 1 January 2024 - 26 April 2025*

Click here to view our Winners Book.

*Please note that a portion of the work must have occurred during this time, but it does not necessarily need to have been started or completed during the eligibility period.

Entry fees

Early Bird discounted entry: (For entries submitted by Friday 28 March)



Team Categories



Individual Categories



Entries submitted after the Early Bird deadline until the Standard Deadline (Thursday 17 April) will be subject to an additional £100 per entry.

Entries submitted after the Standard Deadline will be subject to an additional £200 per entry.

Price per entry. Prices listed exclude VAT.

Judging process

Entries for the CIPS Excellence in Procurement & Supply Awards are submitted from a range of global organisations and sectors. As a result, we select independent judges (CIPS is not a judge) with high levels of knowledge and experience of procurement and supply. Procurement leaders are invited from a range of sectors based on their knowledge, expertise and skills, giving assurance to anyone who enters the awards that their submission is judged by the best of our profession.

To ensure we are transparent with our processes we wanted to provide you with more information about the role of our judges and the judging process itself.

Our judges will:

  • Sign confidentiality agreements and agree not to engage in conversations with individuals or organisations who are entering or pass on hints and tips outside of the official CIPS channels.
  • Declare any conflicts of interest and will be removed from judging or viewing categories where these are identified. 
  • Draw on their knowledge and experience to assess entries in their given categories. 
  • Check all entries meet the correct category criteria and re-allocate into correct categories if necessary.
  • Provide scores and written comments on all shortlisted entrants and award winners, though these comments and scores will not be shared with candidates afterwards. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence related to the decisions will be entered into.

Further information about our awards process: 

  • Access to the entries and judging system is limited to our judges and the awards administration team only. 
  • During and following the awards, we may wish to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of candidates and winners, so may approach you for further comment and information, to form the basis of editorial coverage. However, no information submitted as part of your award nomination will be shared without your permission.
  • Entries are open to both CIPS members and non-members. 
  • Sponsors are not permitted to judge the CIPS Excellence in Procurement & Supply Awards.
  • CIPS reserves the right to adjust individual categories – for example, splitting public and private sector entrants – depending on the volume and nature of the entries received.
  • Organisations who sponsor a category are not permitted to enter that specific category.

Compulsory attachments

All entries must include:

  • A statement of endorsement from the CEO/CFO or equivalent.
  • Company logo (high resolution, minimum 500kb and in JPEG or PNG format).
  • Team photo or individual headshot for individual categories (high resolution, minimum 500kb and in JPEG or PNG format).

We recommend that photos be taken using a good-quality camera or smartphone and convey professionalism. Avoid blurred selfies or images taken on a night out!

Images uploaded using PDF, PowerPoint or Microsoft Word will NOT be accepted.

Supporting materials

You may, if you wish, upload additional supporting material to support your entry. However, this must be limited to three single-sides of A4 and should not comprise of information that is central to your case - the judges will expect to see this in your main submission.

Supporting material may include the following:

  • Testimonials 
  • Press clippings 
  • Performance figures

Please note: Unless stated otherwise, the project name given on the entry form is the name that will be used throughout the campaign, on all marketing communications and material, including certificates and trophies, if applicable.

We reserve the right to shorten entry titles for the purpose of the awards announcements. Please try to keep your entry title relevant and concise.